Florian & Michael Quistrebert "Brothers of the Shadow"

envoy enterprises

poster for Florian & Michael Quistrebert "Brothers of the Shadow"

This event has ended.

For their solo exhibition, Florian and Michaël Quistrebert present a series of small-format paintings and a video that invoke incisive geometrical forms, architectural structures and experimental imagery. In the Quistrebert brothers’ oil-based paintings, the black surface of the canvas is slightly scratched in order to reveal layers and under-layers of lines, circles, squares and triangles, signified in primary tones and forming a geometrical ensemble. Two main elements of the artists’ work are color and structure, recalling William Blakes’s cosmologic drawings and Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract paintings. This attraction to modernism is part of a quest for spirituality in the art of Florian and Michaël Quistrebert, who often represent mystical symbols and connections to the occult.



from April 22, 2010 to May 23, 2010

Opening Reception on 2010-04-22 from 18:00 to 20:00

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