Ann Pibal Exhibition


This event has ended.

The show will consist of a group of black paintings in which a deceptively simple composition shifts subtly from image to image. By limiting her palette, Pibal foregrounds the aspect of her process that is most concerned with how an abstract visual language operates.
Each of the acrylic-on-aluminum paintings in the exhibition features a composition of hard-edged geometric motifs on a black background. Though they are all of relatively small scale, no two paintings are the exact same size, so that each represents its own unique situation. Moving from one painting to the next, however, a sense that one is experiencing many of views of a single overall situation also becomes apparent. The sequencing by which these paintings relate to one another in formal terms is open-ended, non-linear, and evocative rather than overt or didactic.



from April 01, 2010 to May 01, 2010

Opening Reception on 2010-04-01 from 18:00 to 20:00


Ann Pibal

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