Lars Stephan "Leap Into The Void – Earth 0.5"

envoy enterprises

poster for Lars Stephan "Leap Into The Void – Earth 0.5"

This event has ended.

Bambule, an online based art organization, is pleased to present its inaugural exhibition at envoy enterprises.

Lars Stephan’s work is informed by the rich history of performance dating back to many traditions rooted in tribal, ritual, sporting or religious events. By creating a body of work that is categorized into five different categories (fire, water, mineral, earth and nature,) the artist argues that every person originates from one of these categories to help fulfill the function they are supposed to fulfill to keep the community together.

In ‘Leap into the Void – earth 0.5,’ the artist presents his take on Yves Klein’s 1960 performance ‘Le Saut dans le Vide.’ By leaping into the emptiness of the desert, Stephan attempts to mend the soul and to restore his physical body to balance and wholeness. He depicts the danger, the desolation and the long compelling silence of the desert as a blessing to the soul, with the clouds acting as a transcendent union.



from July 20, 2010 to August 21, 2010

Opening Reception on 2010-07-22 from 18:00 to 20:00


Lars Stephan

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