Brandon Herman Exhibition

envoy enterprises

poster for Brandon Herman Exhibition

This event has ended.

For his new body of work, his childhood home becomes the location for a film he shoots in both live action and stills. He edits the imagery down to a selection so sparse that there is no longer a discernible storyline. A broken movie.

Considering the fragmented nature of memories themselves, it makes sense that he offers images like these in replacement, if he truly hopes for the body to accept them as its own.

So this place of significance becomes recontextualized. Idealized. Infused with the excitement of having been part of a dramatic narrative, but since that narrative is not truly his own, devoid of any genuine emotional attachment. Or at least I’d guess that’s the idea. I wonder if he hasn’t created an equally poisonous decoy.

Three stills depict various parts of the yard. There is a specificity and a static nature to them that makes me uncomfortable. In a movie, if a location is shown to me, I know something is going to happen there.

The accompanying video piece, which resembles the opening sequence of a film, is similarly saturated with an air of anticipation.

The three remaining photographs are each either imbued with foreboding or the display an aftermath. These are moments of tension. Moments that inherently lack sustainability, as I’m sure do the moments where he fully convinces himself he is either back there doing it over better, or has replaced whatever he is trying to erase.”

-James Franco
Los Angeles, April, 2012



from May 17, 2012 to June 17, 2012

Opening Reception on 2012-05-17 from 18:00 to 20:00


Brandon Herman

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