"The Space In-Between" Exhibition

envoy enterprises

poster for "The Space In-Between" Exhibition

This event has ended.

In "The Space In-Between", artist and musician Matt Sims collides concepts as diverse as Quantum Mechanics, temporal consciousness and Taxi Cab drivers. Illuminating both the many universes of existence and the many states of self awareness...This multimedia exhibition itself is comprised of a variety of different earthly perspectives, including that of runners, cab drivers, and lucid dreamers, amongst others. These perspectives generate an inclusive worldview that illuminate a variety of alternate states of being...The Space In-Between, as a whole, is Sim's attempt to illustrate the constant link between the internal and external states of the universe we try to make sense of on a daily basis. Sims renders the contours of our awareness with a sensibility that is equal parts mundane and esoteric, physical and metaphysical, scientific and otherworldly.

Matt Sims, also known as Mt. Sims, is a Berlin-based established electronic-musician with releases spanning as far back as 2002 with his first album "Ultrasex" on International DJ Gigolo, up to his most recent collaboration with The Knife and Planningtorock on the Darwinian opera "Tomorrow, In A Year." Having recently retired his Mt. Sims moniker in late 2010, he is currently working on his latest musical project, CEL.



from January 12, 2012 to February 26, 2012

Opening Reception on 2012-01-12 from 18:00 to 20:00
Live performance at 20:00


Matt Sims

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